Zenagritude2019 Flouka Farm Visit Kinaphoto 5Zenagritude2019 Flouka Farm Visit Kinaphoto 5
©Zenagritude2019 Flouka Farm Visit Kinaphoto 5|OT Dévoluy

a hug

to a lamb

The Dévoluy is above all an agricultural territory where sheep breeding is predominant. Take advantage of your stay in the massif to push the doors of the sheepfolds and meet the breeders and their flock. You will discover fascinating jobs, often passed on from one generation to the next, and you will be able to get close to lambs, ewes and rams.

Warm in the sheepfolds

During the winter months

In winter, the flocks stay warm in the sheepfolds. For long months, sheep and guard dogs cohabit in perfect harmony while outside, the white coat covers the massif.
The breeders take care of the flocks by visiting them sometimes several times a day. Some of them open the door of their exploitation and reveal you their daily life.

Breeders in Dévoluy since 1817

Flouka Farm

This is a story of family, of transmission illustrated by a few photos and the telling of memories of fireside vigils, of grandmothers knitting while others told stories while rearranging chairs, over a hooch. The passion for breeding connects the 6 generations that have each left their mark since 1817 in Maubourg, the cradle of the Arnaud family.

Meet Sébastien, share an immersion in the farm, test the baptism in a tractor, participate in a wool workshop or spend an unusual night closer to the animals, in Vanka.

Immersion at Flouka
Immersion at Flouka
De la toison à la pelote, découverte de la laine mérinos 🐏 du Dévoluy

Knitting brings us back to beautiful childhood memories, but also to the bad image of the itchy sweater: let yourself be tempted by merino wool… soft as a lamb!”

Sébastien believes he hasn’t invented anything, it’s naturally a return to the basics, a nod to mountain tradition.

Sébastien’s word

Focus on

The Family Plus label

The Dévoluy, family destination10 years of commitment

With Famille Plus, Le Dévoluy is committed to raising awareness among the destination’s professionals about the expectations of families. Together, the resorts and the labeled professionals promise you the following commitments for the reception of young and old:

  • A personalized welcome for families
  • Actions adapted for all ages
  • From the youngest to the oldest: to each his own rate
  • Activities to be experienced together or separately
  • All the shops and services on hand
  • Children pampered by our professionals