Call Zen Altitude Wellness and Reflexology In the heart of Superdévoluy, Céline welcomes you in a cosy place with a mountain spirit and offers you to recharge your batteries with a wide choice... 06 52 11 12 75 Superdévoluy
Call Jardin des neiges Piou-Piou (ESF) Children from 3 to 5 years old are welcomed by ski instructors in a defined and protected area, designed around a treadmill and five figurines in the... 04 92 46 69 12 La Joue du Loup
Call Guides Office - Nature Évasion Dévoluy Snowshoeing, hiking and landscape discovery, wildlife observation, ski touring, paragliding. Family outings for young and old. 06 60 82 70 80 Dévoluy
Call Spa side - La Neyrette Treat yourself to a wellness interlude in an enchanting setting. Customized Balinese massage (solo/duo) with access to the Spa de La Neyrette included... 06 88 17 75 77 Dévoluy
Call Descente Evasion Provence Looking for innovative and fun concepts? Come and discover, accompanied by an instructor, our quadbikes and scooters on downhill courses. For a fun t... 06 13 41 83 55 Dévoluy
Call Didier Montalban - Nature Evasion Dévoluy Snowshoeing, hike, explore landscapes, observe wildlife. Family outings for all ages. 06 60 82 70 80 Dévoluy
Call Dévoluy Scoot Kid Alexandre welcomes you on a snowmobile circuit for children aged 5 to 16 (70 kg max), around a fun and safe course! 06 61 50 14 37 Superdévoluy
Call Fun'Addict - Escape game, canyoning, via ferrata, climbing ! This winter season, Cie Chez Madame presents an original theatrical escape game! 07 68 15 67 85 Dévoluy
Call L'herbier du Dévoluy Direct sales on the farm: herbal teas, syrups, honey, essential oils, hydrolats, etc. Possibility to visit the farm. 06 32 16 66 36 Dévoluy
Call L'Herbier du Dévoluy Luc Bernard, farmer-gatherer and herbalist, invites you to visit the dryers of the farm. 06 82 33 47 65 Dévoluy
Call Rando 05 Explore Le Dévoluy’s peaceful sites off the beaten track, whether on foot, snowshoes, touring skis or Nordic skis. 1/2 day, full day, multi-activity c... 06 83 87 40 75 Dévoluy
Call Espace bien-être La Neyrette Come and discover the relaxation area of the hotel "La Neyrette": swimming pool against the current, sauna with Swedish shower, outdoor jacuzzi, massa... 04 92 58 81 17 Dévoluy
Hike to the crest of the Baumes©Arzur michael100 km of downhill skiing©DCIM104DRIFTAdmire the Dévoluy massif from the airZenagritude2019 Flouka Farm Visit Kinaphoto 5©Zenagritude2019 Flouka Farm Visit Kinaphoto 5|OT DévoluyKissing/hugging a lambSnowshoeing in the moonlight©SONY DSCThe white trail of Dévoluy to start the year well©Jens ScheibeTravelling undergroundSkiing on the lunar plateau of BureSki touring in the chourums of DévoluyTake the Pierra ski liftLinking the Col du Festre to Superdévoluy by cross-country skiing©OT Dévoluy - Photo non contractuelle prise sur terrain autorisé.At the controls of a snowmobile